Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Well, I spent my entire fscking day at the car dealership today. There will be rantage, oh yes there will.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Alright. Gmail starts to scare me. You write an email, it supplies you with links that might interest you. So I write Jiaz an email about my thoughts of Full Metal Panic, which I just watched. Anyways, long story short. Following through a series of links to links, I've found instructions on emmulating a mouse on your keyboard.
Check it out
I found it oddly intriguing, definately something I'd try if I had to use a crappy Laptop mouse anyways.

In my own defense in reference to Jiaz's latest post, I'd like to illustrate that Yuzuyu is on of the central figures to Aishiteruze Baby and so it's a reference to an anime, as seen here. Yuzuyu'd be the little girl with a adorably huge eyes. That aside, don't ask me why she has gray hair, it's anime. If that doesn't do it for you, consult your reference copy of the laws of anime.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Man, my family has soo many issues. I'm in the computer room on Asgard, headphones on playing a mix of Symphony of the Night's OST and a few songs by The Stripes from the Bakuretsu Tenshi OP set by Nipponsei and my mother asks who I'm talking to, because I'm typing a fair deal. I respond with Cindy, which was the truth at the time. Cindy then goes to bed, because it was getting really late in China. So, about an hour later, I'm in another AIM chat, this time with Jefe, but they don't know that. So my father gets my attention (headphones and all, right), and my mother asks me if Cindy wants to go to the family pool party.
I say: Well, I'd have to ask her when she wakes up.
Mother: Wakes up?
Me: Yeah, wakes up, she's 12 hours ahead, just went to bed.
Mother: Oh, then who were you talking to?
Me: Jeff.
Father: Oh, don't invite him. We'd have to explain that too many times. Including 4 times to my father.
Mother: Oh, we should try that.
Me: Should I get D'Oraz? Oh, but he's already gone.
Mother: You see, you're dating someone not of the normal ethnicity, and some of the elders in the family are having some issues with that. So perhaps we could do the reverse.
Me: Right ethnicity, wrong gender?
Mother: Exactly.
Me: How about wrong ethnicity and wrong gender? I could invite Edmund.
Mother: No, Edmund's not something you toy with like that. If you like Edmund and Edmund likes you, then that's it. But you're out of luck, because I know Lisa Guo's going to Vanderbilt.

This is my life, and people wonder where my sense of humor comes from. Hehe.
Meh, corrected new Single hit max. Critical from behind, on high, Long Throw 4 by Katra dealing a respectable 490 damage.

Video games aside. The Lowe's people came today, so now we've got new Washer, Dryer and Freezer.

Currently in my head: Whatever the Triad used for their ending medley to Popotan, that's a really nice guitar part.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Jefe, taking pot shots at my away messages and leaving before a retort? suck it up .

Current single blow record in Gladiator. 430 on a Critial from behind Roam by Lampolo against a female Barbarian. The current multiblow probably belongs to similar circumstances, except replace Roam with Combo Attack 4 5 straight criticals at ~220 for the first, 110 for each subsiquent.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Meh, it's bedtime. Playing too much Gladius lately. Not my fault that I turn everything I touch into an unstoppable death machine in that game. It's like playing Final Fantasy Tactics, except with no classes and I can pull off Sabin/Auron-esce timing for craploads of bonus damage and unblockables.

I watched Samurai Champloo in French because Nerae was the first group I saw get it done, especially with Aoi-anime down for the time being for whatever delays they have. I understand way too much of this. Fortunately for the word, I don't feel like retranslating the French into English. I shudder to think of what that would do to the comprehensibility. But damn, French takes alot more words to say what other languages do. Especially with statements like only and never being double to quadruple negatives.

Currently in my head: Midori no Hibi OST - Panic da yo.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Alright, my last post, not the bunny links (that wasn't mine by technicality), was pretty late into the early and as most people have logically reasoned, I should hope. When I said the engine had been replaced several times, I meant the battery. So, now we all see where this load of bad news is going. The repair shop didn't even take a look at anything past the engine. It's on its last legs so, back to square one. At least the freezer doesn't seem to be dead yet, but it is dying.

I just finished Full Metal Panic episode 12, and all I can say is that there is no O.o large enough for my emotions.

Either way, here's the state of things. I really don't know what vehicle is worthwhile, because my specifications are pretty rough. The Rav 4 doesn't feel right to me, the Matrix has very weak acceleration compared to everything else I've driven and still no Anti-lock brakes , the Element is a true SUV with crap for Gas milage, and the CRV apparently doesn't depreciate worth anything so everything Honda wants to sell me costs an arm and a leg over the 10k I was looking to spend. I'm willing to go higher, much, but not to their specs, especially not with my swing into functional unemployment this summer (bleh). So, I've got the van in the shop for a lookover to see how much dinero it'll set me back to get it functional. I know the transmission isn't prefect, but it runs and will continue to, so that should be okay. The engine is relatively new, less than 2 years, and should be fine. The radiator'll be the source of most the expense, as presently the van can dispose of a full tank of antifreeze in less than a week. So, that'll decide whether I drive the van, or go hunting (and I may very well end up with a Rav, it's looking like the best in the mess). Course, who knows if Tech'll give me parking.

Then again, the downstairs freezer might be deal, and if it is, it'll be appliance replacement time, which means there goes my car fund. So, I may end up at Tech with parking and no car, worst case.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

If you've come looking for a rant, you won't find one. It's not worth working a fire into my writing over pitiful topics. Anyways, the news lot for whenever it's been since the last real post:

Honda called me back about the other CRV, so I might be going by to take a look at it sometime starting next week. I'll probablly be asking up more hours at the UPS store given that no one else seems to want them as I'd originally anticipated, so I'll take the work, and use it to suppliment my earnings from my uncle. Hope we find a bigger priced task though, that'd brighten my days.

I've apparently hit the penultimate chapter of La Pucelle after about 20 ish hours of gameplay. Something about this worries me insomuch as that it's alledgedly a 100+ hours of gameplay game, but unlike Suikoden, that's counting all the sidestuff I guess. Either way, they've pulled out all the stops. Every single thing that they revealed at the start has come to be true no matter how much you wished the other way. At the moment I'm down my 3 strongest storyline characters for various reasons. Oh well, there isn't a item world this time around, but there is a dark world which is roughly the same, somewhat. It doesn't power my items though, I do that by sacraficing converted monsters, but that's a tale for another day (yeah yeah, I will talk about Pucelle and Disgaea someday). At least I know that I get to make Eclair better, I really think her other appearance is better, and I'm glad to learn that I'll finally get it.

The X-Box is at last on its way in for repairs, some $91 plus shipping to do it though. Goddamn Microsoft, I'd expect my Snes to fry after 24 hours, but these next gens should have a bit more durability than that, I know the PS2 has survived much longer with no adversity. Ah well, it gets another year of Warranty when it returns, and I'll actually be able to play without it seizing up on me too, hurrah. I've gotta say, it's impressive to know that everything about how the X-Box f's up has an outlet. The number of languages on the Error Screen, the colors and durations of those colors of the light, and a location and value of an error number on that screen. It honestly worries me to think that there is that much that can go wrong to have that much means of relaying it.

Car hunting didn't really go so great, the Matrix is still a possibility, but then again, but it and the CRV-LX (aka, not ass-reamingly expensive model) do not have anti-lock brakes. Although that's nothing really new to me, the van certainly doesn't have it, it's certainly a saftey feature at the top of my list. That and having a airbag would be nice given the number of idiots on the road. Hell, I'd love to get a manual tranmission vehicle so I have better control over the shifting of my car, and because it'll cost me about $700-$1000 less. Either way, Matrix or CRV, my vehicle gets weaker. The van at least is a 6 Cylinder, the others are just 4.

Aisheteruze Baby is a great anime. Definately not of genre of the more action less romance ones that I have been watching, and that's a very nice departure. Ep 10 hangs it with a nice preview that has Jiaz and I both thinking, which is a good thing given the blandness of summer, I'll be brain dead by the time Tech starts again. Damn you Jiaz and you summer school.

Alright, it's well past time for calling it a night, 11 am Java work tomorrow and all.

Friday, June 18, 2004 the dark night exeunt...

(Rant when it's not 3AM, bloody brothers using my cpu, keeping me up just to check my torrents)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Going looking at cars again tomorrow. David tells me that AJC cars has a listing for a rather inexpensive 2004 Matrix, so that may end up being what I get, I'll fill ya'll in when I get back.

And for the record, I didn't read Time's article on Blogs yet, so I can't supply you all with the blips I found interesting, cause I needed something to read over breakfast, so I'll see about getting it up by tomorrow evening.
So, I'm taking a rather difficult break for Aishiteru ze Baby, which is an adorable anime Jiaz has me watch. Yeah, Jia, that's your cue to chat "crack" several times.

Earlier in the week my mother and I swung by CD Warehouse so while she picked up some odd 5 cd's (including Matrix: Revolutions and Matrix:Reloaded) I got myself They Might be Giants's Apollo 18 and Jason Mraz's CD. Apollo 18 is a great set of classic tracks and Jason Mraz is, at least within my group of friends, practically a sing-along album, at least for some of his songs, and I love the rest. So what can I say.

In an update to the Keira Knightly news of last post, Parade did an article on her as well, and disclosed that she had been in a movie called Thunderpants. Yes, that's seriously the title, and yes, the topic of the movie is about a young boy with a gastrointestinal disorder that gives him near constant flatulence. And there's something about him joining Nasa, but I was only read the description by my father, so I can't say I know the full story.

Either way, other scary news, if you search for "actors database", voice actors beats out the internet movie database on Google.

On Sunday, the family went to BestBuy where Ian got WarioWare for the Gamecube, David picked up I am a Robot's only album (good stuff), and I got the soundtrack to SSX3. A good Cd, not all the best songs IMHO, but a good variety selection. No Caesers, no I am a Robot (though David has that covered). There is the Basement Jaxx song I love though, so that's nice. Also, there's a very kawaii (I should be shot) mini mini poster of Allegra in a demi-anime style. Allegra isn't my favorite character, but I'm not going to complain.

I didn't get the internship, which means I'm back to hunting. It's a shame, I'd have liked the $10 an hour, however the job would've been even more mind numbing that Java. Sheer spreadsheet filling, internet research crawling, and other grunt work. And should I have finished that, Marketing gets me as their slave next. Oh well, I didn't get the job, I'll just go back to hunting and so that'll be that.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Yay, I managed to crash the computer, so that means that since I'm redoing the post it'll actually be short and pointed, what a rare change eh?

Alright, the nitty gritty, last night I saw Chronicles of Riddick with Kyle and D'Oraz, and after the AJC's F rating I wasn't excepting much, and that's certainly what we got. The breakdown.

Intro: The beginning is the first of three critical points in a movie, the other two being the Climax (there's wasn't really one in Riddick), and the ending (which'll get addrtessed further down), and it really doesn't do anything special. In fact, if you've seen the preview, you know the opening.

Ending: It isn't. Plain and simple. The ending doesn't resolve, it doesn't finish, it doesn't conclude. And subsequently, it doesn't satisfy the moviegoer.

Action: For an action movie, there isn't a whole lot of this, but not really a lack either. And for once, the lack of a dearth is a shame, because the action is reminiscient of the seizure. The action, set in muted colors when Riddick is fighting in the dark, is always punctuated by wild flashes of light which, while understandable for the circumstances (ie, guns being fired in the dark), render the entire sequence nigh unwatchable.

Actors: I'm not really a Vin Disel person, he doesn't really have the right voice most of the time in my opinion, but perhaps that's just me. Alexa Davalos plays female lead, and that shows how low the movie makers had to go. She's a French actress who has never been in a movie save for The ghost of F. Scott Fitzgerald and apparently played a character named Gwen in a few episodes of Angel.

Music: Uhhh...I think I can recall all of two background songs in the entire movie, none of which were any good. Then there's the music for the credits, which I hung around just long enough to figure out the name of the female lead (cause, as noted above, I had no clue who she was, since I've never watched Angel or The ghost of F. Scott Fitzgerald, but the abysmal music for the credits didn't keep me any longer than gazing at the actor listing and I walked out to avoid any serious mental damage. I'm not certain that there were any more than the two songs I heard, but either way, the music was no redemption.

Wild Card: Aka, the point where a half-assed movie can redeem itself and make its mark. Riddick doesn't. It has perhaps a dozen cute, if predictable, quips, but I certainly don't think anyone attends movies just for the dialogue (kinda defeats the point of a movie anyways), especially not ones voiced by the gruff Vin Diesel. Otherwise, I must say. If I'm subjected to the image of Riddick either donning or doffing his goggles, I may flip out.

All that aside. In answer to my own question as to what role I knew Keira Knightly (Guinevere of the upcoming King Arthur movie) from, the answer is female lead of Pirates of the Carribean, which is what I was thinking of. Those she apparently also was one of Padme's handmaidens in Episode I and a role in Bend it Like Beckham. Shrug, I don't remember the actresses in Pirates, not with Depp frontlining.

All from me for the day.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Alright, so after a 11:00 call from the Honda place (name omitted for everyone's sake) by a Brian, my mother decided that today would be a good day to go look at Hondas there, since David's Civic SI needed an oil change as well. So, we got there, and they said that Brian wasn't here today (odd enough eh?). So we walked around the used car lot and looked at the CRV's, and everything they had has beige interior. Now, why the Salesman with us was saying that "Beige is just 2 steps away from social security" I'll concede that I don't really normally oppose beige. Hell, my van is beige interior and I kind of like it. But Honda, they've got a special kind of beige. They've got the kind of beige that you'd get if you puked after too many undercooked brownies (Hopefully, I can avoid such analogies in the future, we'll see), it's just a nauseatingly weak bridge between brown and tan, and it sucks. That said, I test drove one of them anyways. Fine vehicle, though the parking break wasn't very cooperative, drives similar to the van. Basically that, this is not an SUV or a Van feel to it. I then backed back into the spot I took it out of (and everyone thinks that they never let you even move the cars near other cars, *shrug*) then went looking around some more. We were told that Brian was there today, and after a long long wait they got him. So we went around back and found two 2002 CRV's, gray interior, one LX one EX. Now, since I'm certain that dilineation is lost on most, here's how it breaks down. The LX is the base model, coming in Front Wheel Drive, the EX is the more premium model, coming in Front Wheel or 4 Wheel with the following nicities added: Cd player is a 6 disc, Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Tinted Windows. So, we asked for the specifics on those, and Brian came back to tell us that the LX was tied up in paperwork being a recently repossed vehicle. So we sat down to haggle over the EX. My mother said 14,500 including tax tags and title, so Brian took that number back, talked to the person, and came back saying too low, 18,000. To which my mother responded by saying that we could get a new CRV for that price. Brian went back, and came back saying that the car would be Honda Certified (trademark)(7 years Powertrane, 12 months non) but that he could offer us, and he threw in a Kelley Blue Book quote, 18,550 (Kelley Blue Book quotes it as 18,533 for the record, though he'd used different options to price it up a bit to make it look like we were saving, or so it seems) or 19,900 with Certification, both those not including tax, tags, title, or documentation. My mother said too high, Brian went back to haggle, and she turned to me with "Didn't the number start out lower?" Which was true, typically haggling goes in a progression towards the middle. Brian brought out Chad, who was alot more confrontation, responding to my mother's we could buy a new one with, "Then buy a new one", and then accomplishing absolutely because he just repeated step one over, by telling Brian to take her 14,500 quote as a drive off and then left. Brian just shrugged and said that sometimes he's baffled by his co-workers, and went back. The price stayed the same, Chad came back and did nothing again, so we left. Fair enough, a New 2004 EX is about 25,000. But this was a 2002 EX, with 43,000 miles on it. Yes, almost 50,000 miles in the space of two years. The van barely has 115,000 and it's an 89. Oh well, I'd prefer an LX anyways, assuming it ever gets out of paperwork.

So, dear friends, if you know of vehicle capable of transporting me and my 6'4" self and my bass within the following parameters, let me know.
Vehicle cannot be an SUV, I'd like to spend my pocket cash on gas as little as possible without having to not drive.
Vehicle cannot be a truck, because that, I'll tell you up front, cannot transport my bass.
Civics, Camrys, Volkswagon Beetles, all do not have the size for the bass. The latter is just too small, the formers have shallow trunks.
Within roughly the price above.

Because the sad fact it, the van will not survive the highway well enough to be used at Tech, especially with the way it doesn't retain coolant.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Just one of those before going to bed after watching a few episodes of anime posts.

Yeah, I applied for an internship at the workplace of D'Oraz's mother, interview went well. Talked to a gentleman of similar personality followed by the other major play, a short female, Chattahoochee class of '96, married to a Tech grad, so hopefully I'll hear back that I got the position, elsewise I'll be back up job searching over in the new EB section on Medlock. Nothing of great note to report otherwise.

In other news, to drop our insurance payments, my mother signed me, herself, and my father up for a Defensive Driving Course through the AARP at the NE Spruil Oaks library. Two 4 hour classes, the first of which was today. Now, note the organization. What I failed to note when she first mentioned it, is that it's actually a driving course for those aged 50+, but either way I'll get the benefit. I'm not the youngest either, there's another 5 or so High Schoolers in it as well. Either way, it's kinda amusing. We did a reaction time exercise; a street-scene picture with the numbers 1 through 14 jumbled throughout it. We had 10 seconds to get as far as we could. Of course only the high schoolers and I finished it all. Then we did it again, and saw inprovement in those who could. Then we did it backwards, myself and another finished in less than half the time. Oh well, I'll be old and deaf and blind someday. I'd say that someone could save this and send it to me then, but I know I'd be far too blind to see it anyways, so I'm safe either way. Hah.

Paradigm shifts in Java are a pain, but a part of the system. It really does suck to have to totally reconfigure the date entry system though. Going from a SQL serving interface to a User-side interface with conversion programs. That'll be fun.

Alright, it's resting time. Perhaps I'll figure out why my copy of Samauri Champloo crashes Windows Explorer, but I'm doubtful, at least if I click fast I can still watch it, good ep. Anyways, Night everyone.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

It appears that the United States Postal Service has their own line of Tow Trucks. Well, perhaps line isn't the appropriate choice of words, I've only ever seen one (and yes, it was towing a mail van), but just spreading the word. It certainly made me laugh for a moment. Either way, the news since last time.

With the rerelease of Disgaea on the way and La Pucelle idling in my PS2 I'll be plotting a combo post for the two of them, storylines, differences and similarities, interesting things, etc. Yeah, it sounds long, but we all know it won't be, and knowing me it's a ways off in the future either way. But that's for a later date. Present events to discuss.

Compton, David, and I completed Hunters: Redeemer last night, in one go, of approximately 6 hours. Okay, I made that number up, I certainly didn't watch the time. I don't recall Hunters: Reckoning having a difficulty setting but it has been awhile. Anyways, the major difference between this sequel and the original in the series is that now you gain power through use. So Ranged weapons get stronger and larger clips with more use, you empower and gain new powers (there's an offical name but I just blanked) through usage of Conviction, and melee through melee. Either way, on easy, we accumulated close to 150 lives through completing objectives and saving innocents, which is about 5 times the number we ever earned in Reckoning (which Kyle, David, Compton, and I still haven't beaten, nor played in awhile) and about 140 more than we needed to beat the game. Up until the last level, excluding the 2 mission faileds that we recieved (not know how a stage works before hand is kinda a handicap. Note: Kill the enemies, then set the short fused explosives, makes life easier) my Avenger had not died once whereas both Compton and David had about 2 or 3 deaths under their belts (which is not a blaming thing, it's just that the bosses seemed to like to pick on weaker characters, and the first time you fight something, it's hard to know what attacks it possesses), the last stage however, cost me 4 lives. 2 Insta-gibs by meteors from the sky (originally intended for Innocents that we had to save (also where the second Mission Failed happened, failing to save enough, cause we didn't want to just run past the enemies) because I kept accidentally cast my Smite Edge (that's the word I blanked on earlier) to clear the enemies instead of grabbing out my axe and moving out of the way. And twice on the last boss because he felt I was the better target for once and hit me with a Diablo-Esce Firestorm (not insta-kill, but very very near to it, and close enough given that I was meleeing him). The other new addition is the Redeemer herself, who plays the role of annoying brat, who's allegedly 13 but doesn't look it (And by that, I do mean she looks older, go find the cover of the game yourself, you'll see what I mean). Now by annoying brat I mean the one who both starts all the trouble and then stops everyone else from making it worse and helps to solve it. In another change, instead of the animated dialogs being based on who is in the party, all the Hunters are involved, and it makes things flow with greater style, a welcome improvement.

Also saw Shrek II today and here's what I have to say. It's good but it's not great. The first movie was comedic, original, interesting. I won't say it was unpredictable, but you did walk away feeling that you'd been told a good hour and half story, even if you are like me and wanted to kill Eddie Murphy, or at least the damnable donkey. If you can't tell, not my favorite style of character, the really annoying aid to the protagonist who gets more than he deserves (if you still can't tell, I invite you to find my posts about Dobby and JarJar in the archives). Either way, if you've seen the previews, you know that Shrek II isn't quite everything the original was. Fortunately, I can say, that every movie parody you see in the trailors they doesn't involve the Red Carpet or Antonio Banderas happens in the opening and isn't somehow wedged into the story, so you can breath a sigh of relief about that. So, here goes: The Good- John Cleese lends his voice talents, that's always good. Interesting suprises, a good soundtrack, Antonio Banderas makes a good addition to the cast. A few of the twists you've come to expect. Very few catchlines. The Bad- Doesn't feel like you get a full hour and a half story this time; too much time is wasted in moments drawn out for far too long. Not nearly as much original humor, alot fewer puns. The Ugly- There's a SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE AND IT HAS PREVIEW SPACE!!