Wednesday, April 30, 2003

I think I might have D'Oraz beat on this one. Check Jiaz's Blog to compare and for the link.

Ninth Level of Hell - Cocytus

This is the deepest level of hell, where the fallen angel Satan himself resides. His wings flap eternally, producing chilling cold winds that freeze the thick ice found in Cocytus. The three faces of Satan, black, red, and yellow, can be seen with mouths gushing bloody foam and eyes forever weeping, as they chew on the three traitors, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. This place is furthest removed from the source of all light and warmth. Sinners here are frozen deep in the ice, faces out, eyes and mouths frozen shut. Traitors against God, country, family, and benefactors lament their sins in this frigid pit of despair.

Nomenclature Redux

Yeah, I already covered the names I styled for myself. This time it's those names others have attributed to me with or without my permission.

Exempting those random names that kinda fall in the in-between category, those names given to me as a direct result of the aliases I chose, names like Son, Blood, Son of a...,Sob, and various random terms of endearment accompanied with other gratuitous acts of virtual passion including, but not limited to, pouncing, hugging, and evisceration.

First on the list belongs "The Titan" which originated somewhere in the range or 7th-9th and lasted all of a week or two perhaps.
I guess I'm not really going to bother with an order, I'll just hit them as they come to me:
So, we'll throw in the result of Boys State whereby I became JC. Interesting things came out of that, but I'm too lazy to mention specifics.

Over the course of other names I've been given include, the BFG, (and here Colin's brain shuts down for pure stress overload).

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Kudos to Remsaverem...That is uber anime.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Just to touch on the War III and Brood Wars issues...

At my dual runs to Kyle's house on...Friday was it? I managed to get in at least 2 hours of DDR where we unlocked the evil Christmas song (evil as in hard, not as in evil Christmas) and had the ultimate evil occur. Kyle was playing Heavy and I was playing a mix of Heavy/Standard, Kyle was going for a high score to beat my second place ranking (from a bundle of consecutive Light/Standards that I did very well on) and I was playing to improve. Anyways, Kyle was doing very well, IE: ranking only A's and AA's (which is actually how we unlocked the Christmas song but nonetheless after the 5th song (Both played on Heavy, scoring a AA and a B) the game proudly informed us that we'd unlocked the song and were to getting a bonus round. The bonus round was Max 300 on Heavy and we could neither change the song nor the difficulty. Needless to say, we didn't even try it.

As for Brood Wars, Jeff asked me to game with him. The first round of games I owned Jeff, but then, post Calc practice tests, we then took on some computers. My random continuously turned up Zerg (where we lost because after my always successful Zergling rush there'd be no expansion that I could logistically reach and thus I never had a large enough follow up to handle at least 1 insane zerg) or Protoss (where we lost because while I could DT rush terrans ten ways to Tuesday, Zerg simple tore me open, but dual insane Zerg can do that. When I have 22 units produced going 2 Gates (1 delayed I admit) and a mix of zealots and DT and a healthy drone force and both zerg CPUs have 76 units made up of half a dozen lings, about 10 drones each, and the rest being a pure hydra and minor lurker force).

Sorry for a gamers post, but it had to be done. As for the Forum rant, I've decided Infoceptor isn't worth the typing to rant.
Nominclative Evolutions.

Yeah, I'm trying it again. Alright, here's the whole's really pretty stupid but that's okay cause it did/does have a point at some time.

Alright. Just for the record, although it has nothing to do with anything. ICE is my standard initials for those name functions that are only 3 letters (or 3 t hearts if it's a option and it's a bad score)

So, anyways, the beginning as far as it matters was Diablo which went Man~Killer (where I had one hell of a time convincing people I wasn't a PK), then The~Blood~Lord, followed by a series of random characters including Lady~Mystra, Pandora, and Chivalry (who was a PK ironically enough), and then Son~of~Blood (which still lasts to this day and caught on in Adventurers Wanted (my channel of choice, chosen by random fate) because it was SoB (some people have too little imagination).

Son~of~Blood held on for a hell of a long time, with some minor variants. I joined WebRPG's Ethics forum as Son~of~Balid because I didn't like the vampiric implication of the name in the setting and because my father was already a poster there (as Balid, duh) and cause it was fun.

When I joined Phrozen Keep for the first time I choose FireandBrimstone for random reasons and that was fun, but it's far too difficult to hang around a D2 modding forum when you don't mod and D2 is going down the drain.

Then I finially jumped ship from ICQ because AIM didn't go "uh oh" and since everyone worth talking to apparently considered AIM better (though I still don't know why anyone would think that) but somehow SonofBlood was taken (they are on alert on my Buddylist but have never gotten online when I was) so I was forced to become SonofBloodII.

I played some Yahoo games and therefore needed an account for that as well, so I tried Sob (cause Tildes where frowned upon for some reason) and that was taken, but it suggested adding a numeral. So it became SobII, which was also taken (I was starting to get worried at this point) and Yahoo kindly suggested adding your country to the name, and thus Sobiius was born, and it's actually a rather cool name.

At various points in this I toyed with Ragnarok as well, and I let it come to life in Diablo II. In that I eventually created three accounts, Ragnarok, ZodiacPrime (cause the Zodiac is great for at least 12 free names), and Son~of~Blood and I borrowed the PLC tag from Ogre Battle 3 of N64 (PLC being "Person of Lordly Caliber."

The latest incarnation of myself is my latest name-game, for Infoceptor I have styled myself Ragnarok: Second I just have to find an avatar appropriate to that name.
Well, just consider this a few IOU's for a name post, a weekend post, a Brood Wars post, a War III post, a forum rant, and whatever else I'm missing. Not in the mood to post.

Friday, April 25, 2003

Nominclative Evolution. (I promise I'll get around to doing this...really, I do)

Anyways, just something to amuse you for a moment. It was meant to be a spoof of another color quiz, but I can't seem to find the original.

Color Quiz

Just for reference. This is the original's answer for Pink, Cause that's one of the funniest to compare:
You are pink. You are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget.

The original Color Quiz
Someone didn't cross their fingers hard enough so ya'll just get some odds and ends:

Since my Judas comment kicked off so well I guess I'll give ya'll the rundown of alter-egos and gaming pseudonyms sometime soon.

Well, Night Falls and I find myself tired, and suffering because of it. When all next month is over, it will truly be good. I mean, all I have to worry about is 4 Major Orchestra Performances, 1 Jazz Band Concert, Finals, AP Tests, Getting a Cap and Gown, Senior Field Day, Prom, and whatever other suprises that are going to get thrown my way.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

No posts from Judas tonight. Not in the mood. Cross your fingers really hard and maybe there'll be one tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Damn Damn Damn. Blogger refuses to acknowledge when I've finished editing a post and has again swallowed a perfectly good post talking about Spirited Away. Well, it wasn't a detailed review before, but I'll just say that it was very creative, although the protagonist's voice and attitude irked me terribly.

Anyways, a couple items for Jeff before I go damage parts of the Blogger world in anger.

> Another post, less informative, but one I think you'll appreciate anyways

Secondly, I'd like to point out that my Lit comment came before you decided that the movie was contact.

Third, Mac Hall addresses the proof of the existence of God issue. Check it out Here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Alright. My Weekend, again.

Friday was coming home and going to Lowe's to get paver. For the unenlightened, there isn't really any difference between paver and bricks, except paver doesn't have holes in it to make it lighter. Anyways, trying to push a cart with bad wheels laden with 400 tiles of the stuff is quite a task, and was part of the reason why I was so drained as to perform worse than normal at DDR at Kyle's. Anyways, we loaded all the blocks into my poor van (actually, we is a relative term. David got exhausted at about 150 left and a service clerk with a heavy norweigen accent joined it (told my mother that just he and I should move the last 80 or so) so props goes out to yet another store where employees do strange things). Anyways, the car was low-riding because of all the weight so we drove it home much slower. On this trip we learned one key fact. Apparently our cell phone company has decided that instead of having our phones represent as "Wireless Caller" on our Caller ID they should instead show up as "Unavailiable" which of course is the same thing that appears for Telemarketers, etc. Which means that when I called home to get my father to start dinner, no one answered. So, I need to lay siege to them about this and to get a better face plate (mine's damaged from falling out of my pocket onto the driveway (talk about poorly made)). Anyways, we got home and unloaded and due to my mother's definition of the edged part of the driveway being different than mine, David and I promptly arranged all the paver in the wrong place. It's been relocated now, but about 70% of it remains still to be buried. What fun. Anyways (the key word of this post), then it was time for Kyle's party thing where I learned how to Mahjong at a frightening pace. I also lost a 51 minute game of WarIII expansion. It was close, but I forgot to expand fast enough and my ally didn't at all, it was attrition but one of them actually had cash so it was only a matter of time until we lost, which we did.

Saturday I woke late, did little, and then my maternal grandparents and aunt/uncle/niece combo arrived since my grandmother had invited them all over to my house (go figure). Anyways, we had our standard hectic dinner full of my grandfather getting more senile and less agile (fell out of his chair and spilled a glass of tea), me deciding that wine really tastes awful as a general rule (I knew this before, but I was thinking that maybe my tastes had changed), my niece's antics (she's like 2 I think and a spoiled brat (thanks to my grandparents). If you tell her no, she'll cry; it's awful). Then we followed up with our standard family game, Uno. Then they finially left and I went over to Ian's for some D&D which was actually more productive than usual.

Sunday was total Suikoden, which I think I'll be replaying and beating with all 108 next weekend. I'd beat my current game just to prove I can, but they just took the second best melee character I have out of my army rotation with my only effective healing rune in an area where there are two bosses (there's never been more than one before) both of whom have mass effect, high damage attacks. Well, live and learn, live and learn, love and peace (okay...maybe a bit too much Trigun. As if there was such a thing).

Monday, April 21, 2003

Well..Damn Again!

Well, Blogger ate my weekend post which kinda sucks so if you missed my weekend you can look for the revised weekend post (with over 20% less Video Game junk included) tomorrow.

Anyways, the only thing worth reposting is the Dating explination thing from Infoceptor's forums that I think needs some female criticisms, definately. Harbinger's Rant/Discussion on Dating. Warning, lots and lots of text in this one.

I have nearly reached the end of Suikoden I, actually at the siege of...well, I know it starts with an "S", but that's not the issue. Anyways, of the 108 characters I currently have 108 minus Flik and Humphrey who I have but are off securing the perimeter (and depriviving me of my 3rd and 4th best fighters as well as my only healing rune), minus the dead character who technically doesn't count against me because it's a storyline death, much like Aeris only this one isn't cute, female, a decent mage, or un-annoyingly subservient, minus the healer who's tending to the wounded (though I have no major characters wounded and your soldiers never get "wounded" so it's a random way to take him out of use), minus Sonya who I have to beat before she'll join me and I get to beat her here, and minus Leon who I had a small window of opportunity to get and I missed it by one conversation, namely the one that brought me here. So, when the whole group does regroup, I'll be at 106 out of the 107 possible (remember, the 108th is already dead). Which is a moment of "well damn." I guess I'll have to redo the 32 hours I've put into it (which includes a lot of plain run time where I was out doing other things instead of playing, but left the game on anyways).

Alright for those rare few who haven't heard the true reason behind the post from the 17th talking about wreaking havoc I think I'll fill the collective whole in before I get people asking really stupid questions and dispel a few myths.
Myth 1: Colin and/or Katie have decided not to go to prom.
Truth: Hello?! We've got tickets, this is like a big dream of hers. If I don't go to any high school dances ever that'd be kinda sad. Seriously folks, get your heads on straight and be rational about these things.
Myth 2: Colin and/or Katie are/is trying to wreak havoc for the fun of it and to mess with people's heads at the last big thing in high school.
Truth: Well, maybe that's not how most of you would have phrased the myth, but I'm allowed some poetic liberties. Anways, I was trying to solve the Dunn/Compton issue by creating the extra vacancy needed. Next time I'll run my dark schemes across the other dark schemer to make sure that we aren't underminding each other.
Myth 3: This evil havoc causing decision has been made and is all Colin's fault cause he's a cheap bastard.
Truth: As if anything I've ever done has been set in stone. Like all things there is still room for a change. I need to do some soul-searching to decide which path will be most enjoyable, which requires knowing exactly who is involved in the other path (since my knowledge is far from complete and might include the band people who got rejected from the main band group (which tells you something, being rejects of freaks)). As for the originator of the plan the blame lies on another of those underclassmen that none of ya'll know. Though she is a friend of Katie's and Adam Schmidt's date (I'd claim that names have been changed to protect the innocent, but I haven't run that by a jury and I don't think that changing the name would do anything to discourage discovering her true identity by asking around, plus... I won't actually be saying her name so there's no need to change it.) As for the stingy bastard bit, well I'm a legitmate child, but I guess I won't argue that I'd rather not spend money than spend money.

On a related note, I think I'm going to start calling my date Milway/My date in these posts for fear that someone will get her confused with Katie Zhang. I'd fall back on her real name, but I already know enough Sarah's.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

As you may recall in my last major post rating Online Comics (10/16/2002) I covered: Little Gamers, 8-Bit Theater, Dragon Warrior, Angst Technology, RPG World, Adventurers, Exploitation Now, SGVY, Bob and George, Not Gonna Take It, Mac Hall, Critical Fumble, Oldskooled, Wendy, Life of Riley, and Megatokyo.

In this session, I'll cover all the new additions to the list:

Errant Story: When Poe "finished" Exploitation Now, he moved onto this. It is certainly a decent comic, occasionally colored, and exceptionally well drawn, but what else have we come to expect from Poe. This one is somewhat less mature in vernacular and content than its predecessor, but it's also a comic in its infancy still (less than 100 strips for certain). ****+(*/2)

Penny Arcade: This is basically The Comic so long as you're not looking for a necessarily continuous storyline all the time. Not much else to be said. It's that good. *****

Warcraft Comics by Studio Rain: A collection of semi-random drawings and comics. Those of Studio Rain combined with the few other misc comics that are linked up make for a decent variety. Some are rather unimaginative, but others are of very good caliber. ***+(*/2)

Konsekai Swordwaltzer: A very very young comic, but also one that is very well drawn and full color. On the downside, it gets only a weekly update and is still under 20 strips, but it looks like it will be something very nice once it gets going. (Judgement still Pending)

River City High: Another sprite comic, this one based on a game of the same name (a very fun game at that). It is well sprited, if a tad bit random at moments, and was a dead link for quite awhile but has recently gotten back on track with its animated mayhem. It is creative and humorous. ****+(*/2)

Ponju: Well, that's not how the creator capitalizes it, but I'll do what I want in my blog. Anyways, the story revolves around a female cop and her flying pig with mystic powers. Go figure. It's not been to active of late unfortunately, but it has had a few good moments so far, and some that just don't make sense yet. ***+(*/2)

Men in Hats: Yes, all the characters are indeed hats. The comic is rather depressing in a comic fashion. It isn't all that difficult of a draw, but the ideas are original, is slightly morbid and unanticipated. ***

Fellowship of the Alamo: A Final Fantasy 3/6 based sprite comic that has ground to an unsettling halt recently. It's about 76 strips I think, but most of them are good, if just for the sprites involved. ***

Patchwork Heroes: Another Final Fantasy 3/6 sprite comic. This one is better in the sprite department and actually has a running and moving storyline. It's rarely off topic, though that's not to say that it's always on topic. The characters are varied and amusing, even if they all seem to have secret agendas atop secret agendas.

Sara and David: The only 3d rendered comic that I have. It's highest point is an early reference to Mac Hall and Cthulu, but beyond that it's good to look at, but this one's plot is getting worse and worse. It reminds me of Wendy in terms of its decay. Such a pity, though it doesn't have much more than pretty graphics going for it. **

Aegis-The Mechanical Legacy: Firstly, this one gets props for combining Valkerie Profile (a playstation game) graphics with Mega Man X graphics in a very convincing manner. It has been dead of late, but is certainly off to a good start. Creative, colorful, and definately full of a plot of treachery, suprise, and decet. ****+(*/2)

Diesel Sweeties: The main characters of this comic are a retired porn star and her mechanical husband. It has alot of crude humor and a lot of the characters are homosexual and this leads to even more sad humor. It is developed (600+ strips), but there really isn't a plot so much as revolving relationships. Always 4 panels small panels, so each strip isn't much either, but it's got some good puns and some alright jokes. ***

6D4: A D&D comic using Final Fantasy sprites (how sad can it get). Like Real World it is based off of real events and people (well, sometimes), or at least when it actually relates to D&D and not weird twists of the sprites instead. It has some issues with comic width combined with site sidebar, but that's a minor issue. It also gets credit for being the only comic based at least somewhat in reality that has removed characters who fell out of friendship with the comic's creator (well, they went beyond just falling out of friendship, but in ways that I'd rather not mention). ****

Ashfield Online: The world's most monotonous comic. It is one image repeated constantly, with slight variations. The whole thing exceeds 1000 strips and every single on is 1 panel, with an occasional flash sequence. A collection of bad puns and general stupidity created in only flash and MS paint. It made me laugh maybe 5 times across all of it (so roughly 1 out of every 200 strips). *+(*/2)

No Need for Busido: A samauri comic (it's about time) that has a health amount of humor. My major complaint is that the creator's rants seem to focus on whining about people not voting for the comic. A solid comic, also not very long...yet. ***

Omega Syndrome: A fabulous comic. Not often colored, but certainly good. Long panels (which sadly equals long load times at times) but very cool. The plot needs some fleshing out, but it'll get that with some time. Otherwise a really funny comic and supportive of compulsive shopping men. ****

Thursday, April 17, 2003

There is no feeling which quite parallels the knowledge that you're going to cause intense havoc in an attempt to reconcile two sets conflicting views. I'm not going to reveal where chaos is to be wreaked nor how I feel that said predicted effects will actual rectify the problems (whereas I do also concede that they will likely be only changing the issues, but that is another matter altogether)..

But anyways, I'm thinking I might need at least another subdirectory of comics, it's getting pretty insane. Well, there'll be another massive comic report coming up, but not right now. I'm waiting for FotA and Aegis to update so I won't have to say mean things about good comics dying in their prime thanks to college.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Alright. Since it's been a few days, this'll will be a day of spring cleaning on issues I need to address.

First and foremost, does anyone care to lend me a means of death (yes, I am kidding, but there is a reason to this). My two brothers and myself just had a debate that never should have happened. We argued over, and I am very very sad to admit this, what destroys Misty's bike in the Pokemon TV series thus causing her to follow Ash incessantly. Ian says it was Pikachu attacking spearows, David says it was a Gyrados, and I am set in my belief that it was destroyed by the swarm of Pikachus in the Pokecenter while Ash peddled the bike to generate enough concurrent electrical force to blow Team Rocket away. Anyone care to clarify the issue or do I have to hunt down the solution in old Nintendo Powers?
On a similar, and perhaps more shameful related note, the dubbing in the new release of Pokemon is absolutely horrible. Just as a note to any TV executives, present or future, if your two villians have an repeated intro that involves them talking together then for the love of all things holy please make sure that the voices go well together!

Secondly, to address this whole discrepencies about my date to Prom issue. Sarah Katie Milway is a 10th grader. If you care to disbelive this issue then you may consult last year's yearbook and on page 291 (I believe it is) you will find her picture. It is in the bottom right of the page, 1 picture left of the absolute bottom left. If you really care to know more then you'll have to ask.

Thirdly, I would like to challenge Jeff to tell me what I have been wrong about recently.

Fourthly, anyone who can suggest a good way to keep myself entertained in Pair's class without drawing attention to the fact that I'm *gasp* not working.

Fifthly, anyone who knows anything about playing bass by only chord charts, help would be greatly appreciated. I'm getting bored with arpeggios and scales. Perhaps I'll have to convince Chang to let me use Music Theory as practice time.

Well, that ought to be enough postage for now, but if you feel the need to complain about something I have a contact button and am open to suggestions.

Monday, April 14, 2003

In true standard fashion for the end of my Spring Break, I spent my last day doing lawn work at my Grandmother's. I did find out something interesting though. Apparently, when you score a strikeout in baseball, the K is reversed if it was a strikeout looking as opposed to a normal K for strikeout swinging. Just in case it ever puzzled anyone besides myself.

The Spring Break Closing brings with it no end to the standard tedium. In fact, I much dislike Spring Break because everyone is always out of town so nothing ever gets accomplished for those who don't go anywhere. Well, I spent my Break with nothing special. David bought Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Zone of the Enders 2. ZoE is nothing more than eye candy. It's pretty easy save for a few bosses, but then again, so was ZoE and MGS and MGS 2 so I guess I really shouldn't expect difficulty. Just a halfway decent plot (or full-blown mega-plot for the MGS's) and a crapload of fun to look at things like 100 flying gunpods exploding simultaneously at the firepower from Jehuty (what a stupid name, but most the mechs have bad names).

As for MvC2, I think I scare myself with how many of the characters I'm very well aware of without actually having played their games. The Marvel Universe is very much in my awareness without ever reading the comics (save for X-Men) but I know the stories and foes of Spider Man, Venom, Dr. Doom, Iron Man, War Machine, and all the others. Actually, I'm more worried with my familiarity with the Darkstalker's characters, but oh well. Anyways, anyone who wants to give me some info on Jin, Buster Bros, Marrow, or Shumo-Gorath, I'm quite curious, mostly because the FAQs do crap for explaining the sources since the people over there that post are 90% cheating morons, oh well.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Well, I did some searching of my own and found several comics involving Kirby, but only one that was semi-long, and it was only passing Kirby sprites and a total overall piece of (add your own demeaning word here). What a great pity. Fortunately for the world, this has not inspired me to take up digital art as a means of rectifying the universe, it'll just have to be incomplete on it's own.

Anyways, another story from work. Today Cindy paid Bill and I a visit since she was already out driving anways and had nothing better to do. Anyways, when I was mailing my blue backpack to JanSport to get it repaired (Lifetime Warranty! Kick!) she was quite fascinated with the digital scale (I'll concede, it's fun to watch) and pondered aloud what would happen if she sat on it, which subsiquently led to a discussion of her weight and then to the necessity of Cindy gaining weight to fit into her size 4 (Dramatic Chord cause damnit I'm not paying those musicians to do nothing) Prom dress since dresses only come in even sizes and the size 2 didn't reach to the floor because "I like a dress that falls to the floor" to which Bill quickly added "that's only good if it's a miniskirt." I thought it was a very nice addition, though Cindy was already ticked about the next bit of man advice I recieved that'll be shared below, and didn't enjoy it as much. So that was, to quote the Daily Show, "your moment of zen."

Man Advice from Bill (don't expect an even demi-regular installment of this): Never start dating a girl on, before, or even remotely near Valentine's Day (big gift required), the end of school (big gift so she doesn't "forget" you over the break), and if you're going to break up, do so after Thanksgiving, but before Christmas. There, you are all now informed.

Third note of intrest, I've already been offered to go Greek at Tech. How's that for fast turnaround? The odd part is it's been offered by way of the mother of a girl whose sister and boyfriend are at Tech through my mother...sometimes I wonder about how many resources mother has at her command, it's got to be a startling number.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Public Service Announcement Day:

Alright, first and foremost, today is Mail Boxes Etc./The UPS Store/"that place where Kyle, Ting, Ian, Emily, and I work"'s last day with FexEx, how sad. Oh well, that's everyone's loss. Because of our conversion into The UPS Store FedEx has pulled out of our store. This is bad for FedEx because it's less business for them. It's bad for us because FedEx has a higher tech and service level which made my job so much easier. For those who don't know, the transformation is because UPS bought out Mail Boxes Etc. headquarters 2 years ago (and people think that Blizzard takes its sweet time making major decisions) and has, until now, been "studying the market." Well, anyways, our shipping rates are now beneath the carpet so if you plan to do shipping, today is a golden day for you. On the other hand our copy prices for less than 25 copies are now competitive with the library (that's a bad thing, we used to be cheaper), just a warning.

Secondly, apparently 99x is having something called Music Fest 2003 at Northview. From the looks of things it'll be only 1 real band and then a bunch of pulled together garage bands. Admission is $10/$15 for students and adults respectively. If you care or are curious there's a big link at the top of Northview's page. So, with this in mind, I'd like someone to do some black ops research for me and find out who is running the student council that's coming up with all these ideas over there at our sister school.

Thirdly, and this is more or less a person directed announcement. I've decided that my manager and co-worker today, is perhaps the most convincing anti-liberal ex-military IT-specialist public speaker I've dealt with in a long while. Jeff, you might enjoy talking with him about current events, etc., cause he's got very strong viewpoints and could likely give you some very powerful ammuntion to take to your college political arguments that you're going to have, cause we all see that coming.

Forth, and if this suprises anyone they ought to be ashamed. I'm officially going to Tech. Oxford just can't do it for me. While I prefer the wider assortment of languages and greatly reduced class sizes, Tech has the more desired and more varied fields of study. Although I might be more of a liberal arts person, a two-year college isn't going to satisfy that. Since I don't plan on Law or Medicine then there's no reason to take Oxford into Emory so I'm opting for Tech (and to think that I'm actually regretting not applying to GSU and UGA, who would have expected that?) yay. Now to see about rooming :).

Why is it that I can never get an Email Service that actually allows me to send emails? Anyone have any suggestions? Squirrelmail give me Syntax (of all things) errors when I try to send anything, Hotmail flat out refuses, and AttBi's email service will only send something if I tell it to send ten times.

And I must say, damn Jiaz has some fast turnaround with posts and counter posts.
Heh, you'd think with all the free time this break is giving me that I'd manage to post a bit more often eh? As if that would ever happen. Anyways, the current status update: My car got some work done so the breaks supposedly work (better) and it got a bath so it's no longer holding 2 week old dead cherry blossoms, just 1 week by the time I get back to school. I still haven't even practiced Stick Shift, which is kinda critical, cause I really want the CD player that's in the Mazda, well, there's always Sunday I guess. Marvel vs. Capcom does things alot like Starcraft, for lack of a better analogy. For example, the game occasionally sets the computers on insane difficulties for no reason. I'll be playing along on the easiest setting ('cause I'm tired and more bored than wanting to play and my thumb is in danger of bleeding from the damn X-Box joystick) with some random assortment of oddball characters with a common theme and all of a sudden I'll get majorly thrashed (like, they'll still have a character at full life), so I'll sit up, continue, annd choose a slightly more proficent army, and still get wasted. So, after like a dozen or so more retries I'll have made it a bit farther before giving up, which I invariably do because there's no way I'm taking out Abyss's three forms on that kinda of insane difficulty adjustment.

I hope it's a nice day tomorrow cause I have to work with Bill at 1556 tomorrow and if it's like last time we'll both go insane. Well, I guess I'll have time to...well, that's a little issue isn't it. I don't have any unread comics (speaking of which, I need to do a refresher on all my comics old and new sometime), I've read them all up to date, and some of them I've reread totally just because I could. Well, I guess I'll get some sleep so I manage to awaken in time for work.

2 Minor subnotes: A) I'm job hunting for a summer job that'll pay out better hours and pay than MBE so I can buy a car, any suggestions?
B) Anyone who can find me a sprite comic prominently featuring Kirby wins bonus points, anyone who doesn't know who Kirby is, that's understandable, he's not a very famous character. Anyone wishing to debate my usage of "he" is free to do so.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Highlights of my family's shopping trip today: (Media Play, Best Buy, Walmart, and Sam's Club)

Firstly, Media Play needs to rework its entire staff. They have far too many people working (IE: I ran into at least 2 people every couple steps asking me if I needed any help) and they are all too out of touch with current affairs (IE: They know nothing about the latest games, if they know any at all).

Best Buy has a much better setting, though I did encounter a very interesting staff member. After answer his "How are things?" with my conventional "Fine, you?" His response was: "Good here too, still breathing. A regular inhale, exhale." Sometimes it's just better not to ask.

Out of all of this I didn't actually buy anything myself, though David picked up the latest Linkin Park CD (which had a hell of a lot of display space allocated to it), a trance CD by a group called Orb (the first song on the cd is "Fluffy little clouds" and said phrase is repeated innumerable times throughout the song), Zone of the Ender 2 (Very nice eye candy, though the plot is still pretty pitiful), and Marvel vs Capcom 2 (Which is very fun, but no one needed to be told that, did they?).

I didn't buy it because it was XXXL men's size, but I did find the perfect shirt for myself. Before I get into that though, I would like to explain that XXXL means that the shirt nearly qualifies for the dress code at CHS on me, just to give you a conception of its size. Anyways, the shirt was a light blue and had, in a slightly darker blue, the word "Avaliable" written on it with an outline designed to make it look like it was stamped there. I think it's very appropriate.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

One final note. On the way there my father and I decided to play the alphabet game to pass the time. For those who've never played, the idea is to find all the letters of the alphabet from A-Z on various license plates, car names, etc. Within 5 minutes of this decision, we came upon a Suzuki Jeep (it wasn't called a jeep, much more useful name) and a semi-truck with trailer with the company's promise on the back. A quick count revealed that between these two vehicles we had every letter except a Q and a Y. Just as we discusses that. A McQuay's (some random company, no idea what they do) truck drove past. So, to keep it going, we decided that we ought try for sequential letter combinations instead, begining with AA then AB etc. We made it until AO before giving up since O's look too much like 0's so they don't get put on liscense plates and you tell me a word that you'll see while driving that has "ao" in it. We sadly didn't find any Aorta treatment clinics.
Well, work today was roughly 135 minutes of tedious paper sorting, envelope stuffing, envelope labeling, and envelope sealing done by myself, Emily, Ron, and Bill. Needless to say, with that crowd, it was quite a memorable conversation filled with a variety of topics including Georgia's age of consent, Girl's Gone Wild's creator getting arrested, being a dork, Age of Empires/Shogun/Starcraft, and a lot of things that I wouldn't repeat in decent company.

I've decided that I really prefer driving at, say, 10:00 PM, as opposed to the morning and afternoon, it makes things so much easier. Too bad radio sucks at that time of night. Note to self: Learn stick shift so I can use the Mazda with it's CD player.

Wow, Spring Break is so the pinnacle of boredum. I've actually been playing my ancient Pokemon Red out of sheer lack of intrest. On the upside of the boredum, I am completely up to date on all my webcomics and I haven't added any more yet, though I probably will before the week is up.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Alright. The Kentucky family reunion. Well, firstly it ended up being at a camping site/hotel which means that there was a big building (with lots of people in it but that's not important right now (cite the joke for bonus points)) that was the hotel and then several very spread out cabins that was where we stayed (albiet we were greatly spread out across the spread). Our house was completely devoid of any clocks and my mother's watch stopped so we were reduced to using two cell phones to tell time, which was really irrelevant since we gained two hours thanks to daylight savings time and crossing back from central, so in essence I have no idea how much sleep I ever got since I was going to bed and waking up without any cognative sense of time.

Anyways, on the ride down plus part of one night of random playing I ruined my eyes beating Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland on the Game Boy Advance. The fact that I beat the game without seeing it half the time. Even ceiling mounted tracklighting above my bed only marginally helped the experience. But 1 day to beat the game was pretty funny.

Now for the quant oddness of Kentucky. Since we needed some way to distract the family from the fact that the family was altogether my mother suggested an animal zoo that contained a variety of animals includings a 35 lbs snake, but when we got there the place was closed...well maybe. The door said "closed, will not reopen", the side door said "closed", the other side door said "open." But besides that, the place was indeed closed and all we say was one chicken. So, to compensate for the lack of a morning event, we decided to go to the Kentucky Tater Festival. Now, while I would love to say that it whetted my palate for IC 2K3, I didn't ever see a Tater. Instead I saw a massive flea market with the following:

Pickle on a Stick for sale. I don't ask, I didn't check, and I still really don't want to know.

Fried Twinkies, or if that's not to your liking, they had generic Fried Candy Bars.

I did find a table with some very classic video games that I probablly ought to have bought, namely Darius Twin, Blast Corps, and Legend of Mana (a mere 13.99, which isn't too stunning, cause it's price is always falling).

The place also had more weapons (namely hunting knives and swords) than Cal, tons more. There were guns as well, but I stayed away from getting a closer look.

And that was just about everything worth mentioning. Beyond that, all I noticed was a general proliferation of Bait 'n Bullet stores, which I must say scared the living daylights out of me.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

From Lakly's Color Symbology:
Your Existing Situation
Orderly, methodical, and self-contained. Needs the respect, recognition, and understanding of those close to him.

Your Stress Sources
Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates him and inhibits his readiness to give himself freely. While he wants to surrender and let himself go, he regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, he feels, will lift him above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Willing to participate and to allow himself to become involved, but tries to fend off conflict and disturbance in order to reduce tension.
Circumstances are restrictive and hampering, forcing him to forgo all joys and pleasures for the time being.

Clings to his belief that his hopes and ideas are realistic, but needs encouragement and reassurance. Applies very exacting standards to his choice of a partner and wants guarantees against loss or disappointment.

Your Desired Objective
Needs to feel identified with someone or something and wishes to win support by his charm and amiability. Sentimental and yearns for a romantic tenderness.

Your Actual Problem
Greatly impressed by the unique, by originality, and by individuals of outstanding characteristics. Tries to emulate the characteristics he admires and to display originality in his own personality.
Wow. Family can really suck when you need info. Present example, I've been stuck trying to figure out what party combination/event I need to trigger plot advancement in Suikoden since Sunday now, and no matter what I've tried I can't seem to get it to work. I was going to check GameFAQS yesterday, but my mother was on the computer playing Mah-Jong Tiles through MSN from 8 until Midnight! And what I did learn from my short search (cause Midnight is late for me folks), didn't help. So I finially managed to check just now, after Ian finially got sent to bed an hour late (he just didn't go and no one really stopped him) after a good 2 hours of Stongbad and random Yahoo games which was preceeded by 2 more hours of my mother playing WordTwist. College is going to be such heaven!

Okay, I have no idea what the Fsck happened to my template, I probally don't want to know, but I do want to make sure that you all know that that was not some supressed alter ego that came springing forth, but rather, hopefully, some Blogger fluke.