Monday, April 21, 2003


I have nearly reached the end of Suikoden I, actually at the siege of...well, I know it starts with an "S", but that's not the issue. Anyways, of the 108 characters I currently have 108 minus Flik and Humphrey who I have but are off securing the perimeter (and depriviving me of my 3rd and 4th best fighters as well as my only healing rune), minus the dead character who technically doesn't count against me because it's a storyline death, much like Aeris only this one isn't cute, female, a decent mage, or un-annoyingly subservient, minus the healer who's tending to the wounded (though I have no major characters wounded and your soldiers never get "wounded" so it's a random way to take him out of use), minus Sonya who I have to beat before she'll join me and I get to beat her here, and minus Leon who I had a small window of opportunity to get and I missed it by one conversation, namely the one that brought me here. So, when the whole group does regroup, I'll be at 106 out of the 107 possible (remember, the 108th is already dead). Which is a moment of "well damn." I guess I'll have to redo the 32 hours I've put into it (which includes a lot of plain run time where I was out doing other things instead of playing, but left the game on anyways).

Alright for those rare few who haven't heard the true reason behind the post from the 17th talking about wreaking havoc I think I'll fill the collective whole in before I get people asking really stupid questions and dispel a few myths.
Myth 1: Colin and/or Katie have decided not to go to prom.
Truth: Hello?! We've got tickets, this is like a big dream of hers. If I don't go to any high school dances ever that'd be kinda sad. Seriously folks, get your heads on straight and be rational about these things.
Myth 2: Colin and/or Katie are/is trying to wreak havoc for the fun of it and to mess with people's heads at the last big thing in high school.
Truth: Well, maybe that's not how most of you would have phrased the myth, but I'm allowed some poetic liberties. Anways, I was trying to solve the Dunn/Compton issue by creating the extra vacancy needed. Next time I'll run my dark schemes across the other dark schemer to make sure that we aren't underminding each other.
Myth 3: This evil havoc causing decision has been made and is all Colin's fault cause he's a cheap bastard.
Truth: As if anything I've ever done has been set in stone. Like all things there is still room for a change. I need to do some soul-searching to decide which path will be most enjoyable, which requires knowing exactly who is involved in the other path (since my knowledge is far from complete and might include the band people who got rejected from the main band group (which tells you something, being rejects of freaks)). As for the originator of the plan the blame lies on another of those underclassmen that none of ya'll know. Though she is a friend of Katie's and Adam Schmidt's date (I'd claim that names have been changed to protect the innocent, but I haven't run that by a jury and I don't think that changing the name would do anything to discourage discovering her true identity by asking around, plus... I won't actually be saying her name so there's no need to change it.) As for the stingy bastard bit, well I'm a legitmate child, but I guess I won't argue that I'd rather not spend money than spend money.

On a related note, I think I'm going to start calling my date Milway/My date in these posts for fear that someone will get her confused with Katie Zhang. I'd fall back on her real name, but I already know enough Sarah's.