Tuesday, April 08, 2003

One final note. On the way there my father and I decided to play the alphabet game to pass the time. For those who've never played, the idea is to find all the letters of the alphabet from A-Z on various license plates, car names, etc. Within 5 minutes of this decision, we came upon a Suzuki Jeep (it wasn't called a jeep, much more useful name) and a semi-truck with trailer with the company's promise on the back. A quick count revealed that between these two vehicles we had every letter except a Q and a Y. Just as we discusses that. A McQuay's (some random company, no idea what they do) truck drove past. So, to keep it going, we decided that we ought try for sequential letter combinations instead, begining with AA then AB etc. We made it until AO before giving up since O's look too much like 0's so they don't get put on liscense plates and you tell me a word that you'll see while driving that has "ao" in it. We sadly didn't find any Aorta treatment clinics.