Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Australian Rules Indoor Quidditch Players rejoice. I have obtained the second most important part of the game. The most important thing being a dark dorm hallway of course. Today (a term I use lightly, but I did mean to post this Monday) I opened my drawer at the UPS Store and found two rather cruddy looking plastic balls, there were no customers so I grabbed one and bounced it and it lit up. I asked Bill if he knew we had these and he wasn't sure what I had, so I gave him the second. Yvette (being our former Corperate employee of the day, she's there until this Saturday, as is Nick, the rest already left) found us playing and proceeded to go into the back (which is rather large from the appearance of the store) and brought out two nice and clean, formerly unopened bouncing LED balls. Bill proceeded to discuss how the LED activation setup was similar to that of a bomb (so I now know how to build a special trigger bomb from old mercury thermostats). Yvette did fail to ever explain to me why the UPS store had LED bouncy balls, but oh well.