Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Okay, this shall be one of those blogs where I finally get around to mentioning a bundle of things I'd been meaning to mention and kept forgetting, in addition to all the usual crud.

Today was my day for going to the doctors to get everything a-okay'd for Tech. They told me originally that I couldn't get an allergist referral because I hadn't been taking medicine and that they had no Menigitis shots, both of which turned out to be lies. Now, the doctor has become an odd place for me, since I just turned "adult" and therefore go to a different place. But, all that was only made harder because when I turned 18, my father's work (and provider of the family's health insurance at Kaiser) changed databases over and my birthdate went from 1984 to 1989. In short, in one secretarial mishap, I lost 5 years; a change that screwed up my appointment so I've still not seen my true primary care provider. As an adult they didn't even check my height, though I am 173.5 lbs with shoes (I have no idea why I wore shoes but I didn't feel like taking them off and the nurse couldn't have cared less). I also needed a referral for the Cardiologist because, as not many people know, mostly because I don't care, Colin has mitro-valve prolapse, also called a heart murmor (not to be confused with pulminary stenosis, which it was originally diagnosed as). Now to do this they had to run an EKG on me (Electro Cardiogram (You see where the K comes in right? I sure don't)). Dunno what the results were, I doubt they come back that fast. Anyways, EKGs aren't anything new to me, but they sure do hurt alot more post-puberty (yeah, having a bunch of little pieces of tape stuck to my chest wasn't cool). I also got my TB test done. This would be my second ever, since I had one done just barely long enough ago not to qualify as my one for Tech. I wish them luck even finding the mark when I get back on Friday. The nurse raided Pediatrics for me to get a Menigitis shot, which I didn't feel at all (giving blood does wonders for not caring about needles. I could be a heroin addict with no issues, beyond the facts that heroin is damn expensive, illegal, and stupid of course). My trip earned me more of the medicine that I already take when I do things, so my standard fallback meds are now a moot issue, at least until I run out of things.

Next on the list of stories, I have my Cell Phone back. The reason why I didn't have it goes back to my grandparents (father's parents, paternal) whose phone has stopped working (it won't recieve calls any longer) so my mother gave them her cell phone and stole mine. Not the most interesting story, but anyone who wants to explain to me how a phone become one way, please do so.

Next order of business. For those who went to see Bebop. Wouldn't that be a great place for Tech weekends. Just drive over in two cars (mass carpool = fun, right?) and see a few movies and then go wherever else we all need to be? I think it sounds like a unique idea. Small movie theaters are cool, and cooler when everyone knows you by name.

Okay. You know the world is doomed when statements like this can be said and still hold true:
"Your Cardio has a new office at Northside. That is nice because you won't have to drive all the way down to Northside." Btw, if you are curious, it was my mother who said that.

Next on the list (yeah, I made a list, I had free time at work, loads of it) is to point out to everyone that they need to find their copy of the John's Creek Herald for the week of June 4th so you can see the lovely Governor's photo op with Jiaz and D'Oraz in it.

At work today I ate a much larger than standard piece of birthday cake because Diane and Melanie spent a solid 5 minutes convincing me that if I didn't they wouldn't let me leave because then they would be forced to and it would go straight to their hips. Not a direct quote, but really really close to it.

Next, we move on to today's AJC article on Sammy Sosa (who got ejected for having a corked bat). It's in Sports, section C, front page, top right. I'd like to quote "'I use that bat for batting practice,' said Sosa 'that's something that I take the blame for. It's a mistake, I know that. I feel sorry. I just apologize to everybody that are embarrassed.'" Anyone who can point out the two most glaring errors wins, nothing, it's that obvious. If there are more than two, I'm afraid that I just gave up reading it for errors after it. It was too damaging. What is this world coming to?

Bill has taken to calling me Abe Lincoln. Guess I better shave, course then he calls me the second coming, so there's not much I can do. Or, to quote him "the day I see Colin walk in here with a cross on his back, I'm going home. Right then.

Today's lesson. If you think you've done work I say you are wrong. You've not done work until you've stood in a little trailor as your manager hurls boxes at you. And yes, package juggling is more fun than package soccer.

Damn, so much for my master plan. Tech won't allow Neon lights so I guess if I do take the leftover MBE signs from Joe I'll have to find a different use for them.

And a final note, my car is flawed. The left turn signal won't blink.